pmr has ended bebehhhhh :D bahgia tak terkata niii. and now i dont know what to do -.- have been waiting for this time where i dont have to study at all for awhile. but when its here, i dont know what to do. heh, wanna go ice skatinggg. seriouslyyy,im sooo sleepy. but nak biasakan diri tido lambat now. hiuk hiuk hiuk ! got nothing to write, gdnite galangggggg <3>
fatinah farhana abbas
Monday, October 11, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
6 downn, 2 to go !
hey y'alllllll. ahhaaaaa, i still got two papers to finish but i still have time to blogg :D the gaps between the last and the second last paper is 3 daysss. eeishhh, sengaja nak lambatkan -.- cant wait sgtt nak hbs papersss. i'll be free like a bird, well not really. im trying to plan out a wonderful celebration/lunch after pmr finished. but have not told them yettt. amboii, belum hbs lagi dah plan mcm mcm. umphh, pray for my mathematic and living skills paper. i'll do my best insyaAllah and parying fr the best for everybody which i will always do ! its not good to say goodluck ya know. bcs its means that u rely on luuck on something. u know that we dont believe in luck and good thing happens to us because of Allah, not from good luck. soo, goodluck is no good ! bare that in mind peopleeeee , and after pmr, im gonna have my fb's password back, yeayyyyyy :D okay, so long everybadeyhhh
fatinah farhana abbas
fatinah farhana abbas
Monday, October 4, 2010
dup dapping
heyy peeeeeeps ! tomorrow's the big day huh? well im not here to say much, just that i wanna say sorry for the things that i've done to guys that might hurt you huys feelings in anyways. and yes, i admit that i may not have been a kind hearted person throughout these past few years. and from the bottom of my heart, im wishing you guys all the best and break a leggg. i know that u guys can do it and not just do it, u guys can do it well. im praying for the best for all of you and hope that you guys will do the same. ya ALLAH, please help us to get through with pmr. and please make it easier for all of us, amin.
fatinah farhana abbas
fatinah farhana abbas
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
oh oh oh balik kampungggg
greetings from ipoh everybodyyy. oh yes im at ipoh right now. I STILL CANT WAIT FOR RAYAAAA, which is tomorrow. everybody is here except wanyah and wancik. but wanyah is on her way to ipoh i guess. but not wancik :( we're gonna miss u wancikkk :( anyway, today is the last day of ramadhan. im celebrating my first and second day of raya at ipoh and after that is at kl. which is ayah's side. HEHEHEHEHE cant wait for my duit rayaaaa. insyaallah this raya would be the bestest raya i've ever had. actually i got nothing to write, but i had done my chores, so i got nothing to do. anyway, happy eid everybody and maaf zahir dan batin. sorry for all of my wrongdoings and misbehavior for all these years. im seeking forgiveness from my head to my toe, sooooo sorry if i had done things that might hurt u guys in anyways. hope u guys have a blast raya alriteee. cant wait to see u guys next fridayyy :D
fatinah farhana abbas
fatinah farhana abbas
Monday, September 6, 2010
28 days and still counting
alrite alrite, i should be studying now, i knowww. but um first, my trials results is still not satisfying. i got lots of B's and a few A's. but hey, i'll turn that B's into an A insyaallah. when there's a will, there's a way or a hope kan? and oooh, u cant imagine how excited i am about raya. i've been talking about raya since forever. and its a few days awaaaaaay. aaaaaaahhh, cant waaaait. with the fireworks and stuffs. but come to think about pmr is around the corner makes me sick ! but i have to bare it. sooo, its about time to break fast here. so, have a nice day everybodyyy :D
fatinah farhana abbas (:
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
bang on the door
first off all, lemme wish everybody happy fasting and hope for the best in everything. okay so, my 3 days 2 nights at singapore went well. i had fun with my cousin, nurul. and paklong and maklong, thank you for your warm welcome and everything. i can see in your face that yre hoping me to enjoy this trip so much, and i did. paklong was like, adik, where do u want to go? i can show u around. but if u dont tell me where to go, then i can make a tour to my house. because u didnt tell me where to go. but the trip was soooo like a blink of an eye. its like one second im in singapore, then the next thing i know that im on my way back to malaysia. but its okay, at least i got to meet nurul, paklong and maklong whom is living far away :( lepas rindu sikit :') back to malaysia, i got a merdeka celebration at school tomorrow. WE GOT TRIALS EXAM LIKE ON FRIDAY KOT? why the hell are we celebrating it tomorrow? eeee, we have lost so much time for our teachers to teach us -.- nevermind, sya and fatin just texted me that they're not going tomorrow. now im hesitating. tak payah datang, tapi duduk rumah bosan kot? hoish, i need to study, so go or no? lemme decide laterr, need to sleep :)
sleepy bear,
fatinah farhana abbas
sleepy bear,
fatinah farhana abbas
Saturday, August 7, 2010
hey hey ho, im in singapore yaww. i didnt plan on going actually. but ayah secretly brought my passport to johor. and yesterday, as maklong finished her work at 5pm, she asked me do i want to follow her to singapore today. what kind of question is thattt? and without any further thinking, i said YES YES YES! haha pretty desperado huh? i don't careee, i wanna see singapore and nurul tooo. this is like theee first time im in singapore and im pretty impressed with singapore. well the building here is okay okay. not to say whoaaaa so pretty. but its not that bad too. we went to bugis street last nite and bought a t-shirt. the exactly same tee with nurul. and we're gonna use it today for the nurul-is-showing-me-around-singapore thingy. maklong and paklong had went back to malaysia to fetch atok and nenek. so me and nurul is planning on to go out. yeahh, im kind of waiting her to mandi right now. and ohh, the house is so pretty. it was so comfy kind of house. it's small, but yet so comfy. ohh kayy, that's all for today or that's all for this morning. i'll write to u soon. VERY SOON ;D
fatinah farhana abbas,
fatinah farhana abbas,
Friday, August 6, 2010
fight to the end
oh-kayy, didnt came to school today bcs im going to johor. i was hesitating about going to johor in the first place bcs i have this hugeeee exam on the 16th and the last thing i want to do is ponteng sekolah lah kann. but then , if i dont go then mama cant go as well. so i decided to follow ayah and mama to johor. its been a long time since we go to johor, well about 2 or 3 years maybe , or moree. i cant wait for to have my fave roti bom there. hope the warung is still there. and so, since nurul is schooling in teknik johor, im thinking of paying a visit. HEHEHE cant wait, but we're not confirmed yettt. haihh, i havent ponteng my school for a longgg time. this is like the first time since 6 months i guess. well im not the kind of type who lovee to ponteng. bcs i loveee going to school, well not to say because i loveee 'studying' and you'll never know why i like to go to school. school is fun if u thinks its fun. okay, i wanna pack my stuffs for johor. we're going at 10am or something, okay ciao :D
fatinah farhana abbas
fatinah farhana abbas
Friday, July 30, 2010
oh and ohh
hello bloggie, miss me? oh i know u do ! i miss u a lot too. haha im tired of saying sorry for abondoned you for the umphdredth times, but again sooo sorry. i have this PMR thing going on and i dont have any time to spend on you. ecehh, im saying this as if that you're alive or something. anywayyy, my trials is on the 16th of august. i have doubts about getting an A. seriously im not ready. but im not giving up that easily until i try my very best until the very end. cus my mid term's results is not something that im proud of to get. im hoping that this time, i have no doubts on getting an A. but as you know, i can try my best and the rest is history. well its not wrong for me to put on high hopes eh? its 2.23am and i cant really sleep. been thinking about my trials a lott. and plus, my school havent covered all of form 3's topic and the trials is only two weeks away, i knoww, im dead meat -.- all i can do is try my best and pray for allah to help me with everything that i do. and for your information, i miss my dear cousin a lot. i know that its not necessary for me to write it here, but i just missed her a lot. i heard that mybe she's not coming to malaysia for ramadhan nor for eid. not trying to be a brag here but i missed everything about our childhood thing. cus the last thing that we have to think about is being seperated by anyone. and now, you're a hundreds miles away, well not to say hundred, but its far far away from me. but its okay, the world is unfair as many people said it. im just praying the best for you, always had and always will. nurul, please be happy eventhough im not there there to hear all of your jokes or stories. bare in mind that you'll never cry if im not there okay hunny? from the bottom of my heart, i love you nurul amalina <3
fatinah farhana abbas,
fatinah farhana abbas,
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
wrapped up
today is wednesday and im having a fever. came late to school because decided to go to school on 6.50am. at first mama told me not to go due to my fever, but then i dont feels like staying home. as i told you, i came late to school and came during assembly. and yes, i did not get any 'datang lewat' letter, wooohoo. so on, we did not really study today because a lot of teachers are having an important meeting. and and, we dont have any extra class for the whole week, great news or what? u dont know how much i hate the xtra class. so, as m having a fever, i did not go for tuition at sec 2 and sec 9's. because the fever is getting more and more worst. and im having a sore throat too. so i cant really speak loud or clear as i used to. everybody was like 'teenaaaa, asal u senyap harini?' im too tired to answer because i know that they might not hear what im about to say and ask me to repeat it again. so silence is the best policy for today. so that is all i guess.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
so tell me how low
i just got back from PD. had a great weekend with my auntie and little cousins. we reached PD last friday. on saturday morning, we had steamboat for lunch and it was very yummy. and had a lovely lunch i guess. on the afternoon, pak bi and mak bi came to see her daughter, batrisya whom with us since friday. and then we went to the beach for banana boat. it was really fun but the jatuh part was kinda salty. haha and my tudung nak terbukak dah. ergh, so on, cik arty asked us to be prepared after maghrib. because she wants to have dinner at some place. did i mentioned that cik arty's friends was there too? husnina and i rode the car with auntie , err i forgot her name. and we wre LOST big time. heh, my tummy is singging an opera song at that time. at lastt, we found our restaurant. its was a chinese restaurant. which is a biggg restaurant. how can we missed it? had a veryy lovely dinner with a lot of delicious crabs. so went back to the resort and played some ping pong with hani and husnina. i am proud to say it. i SUCKS at playing ping pong. so sunday, headed to mak ngah's house for kalong ina's merisik i guess. the, headed homeeee (: that's all.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
we go like biim baaam
we start from scratch shall we? okay, i got 'gotong-royong' day last saturday. it was quite fun eventhough i only helped a little. but before that we have this aerobic thingy to warm us up. it was super fun for me , i dont know about them. but to me, it was fun :D it was just like our dancing 1 malaysia that we had before this. on sunday, my family cooked curry mee for my nenek that we thought is going to stop by from segamat. but dayyum, they didnt. later on the evening, we have this doa selamat for my tok cik from mama's side. then, paksu and wanyah came to our house for dinner. at least somebody did ate our curry mee. soo mondayy, we had teacher's day celebration. it was fun, but im fasting that day. so im kinda tired to do anything actually. man im really hungry that day. but i got through with it. so todayy, as usual we got assembly on the morning before we get back to our class. on pn.sahariah's lesson, she asked us to rearrange our sittings in the class. what is wrong with our sitting? -.- and now, my place is at the end of the class. well not at the end actually, but at the back. i cant see -.- and it was feeriiiking hot back there. me and sya is sitting far far away from elida and fatin. its like we're on the right lane and they were the other way around. jauh gila okay, how are we supposed to talk with that kind of distance? nevermind, we have to change our sittings every week. so im gonna sit back on my original place next week :D that is all, i need to be ready for my tuition at 5.30pm. chalo betteyy
fatinah farhana abbas
fatinah farhana abbas
Thursday, May 13, 2010
hey, remember me ?
haha this thing happened during recess this morning. and today, i went to recess with nissa, ain , munira and aliff. i have to admit that i miss them soo much. ahha funny, aliff mentioned that he misses my laugh :'( awww, i miss everything about u guys. mann, time flows so fast that we didnt even realize it. and now, we all are in separate classes. and we all like, 'remember last year when we do this and we did that'. okay, i miss those memories so much, it is soo irreplaceable. and now, my ex-classmates were like strangers. everytime we meet, we just say thee shortest sentence that we can think of, like hi and bye. no more 'hey teena, wanna hear what iwan did?' or anything. NOTHING AT ALL. okay back to the topic, aliff was doing something that i thought might hurt me. and there was it, i shouldnt have said it but it slipped. heh i have been keeping it a secret for a long period but then it slipped. and they were teasing me about it. it kinda makes me blush for a little while but i dont minddd. because i miss them soo much, so today is the 'i dont care if u tease me day' haha. oh ohh, forgot abt this, nissa and aliff looked veryy cute together, and yes im jealous. got problems with that? haha, hope the two of you are gonna last long alritee :)
missing out,
fatinah farhana abbas
missing out,
fatinah farhana abbas
Sunday, May 9, 2010
hey i made it

hey now now, i was supposed to go to nenek's house today but ayah canceled i guess. i have been on my baju kurung for hours and kept thinking are we going or not? bcs mama is not feeling well. so its not been decided yet. im in my room browsing through cute pictures and found this. arent it the cutest thing? while i was browsing, i saw a lotttt of cute cupcakes. mannn i want them :( its so irresistible. anybody who is kind enough to buy me cute cupcakes? haha dream onnnn. anyway, im really bored, so i googled my name and my sisters and everybody's name. and i found a lot of stuffs from there really. and hey, there is this girl named fatin farhana abbas -.- erggh how close, good thing my parents put it to fatinah instead of fatin. or else we'll be sharing the same name and the same father's name too. haha cool, but yet i dont like it. i went through my emails yesterday and found out that many people has add me at facebook. and the email goes like, hey fatinah . just a reminder that 23 people are waiting for you to confirm their friend request. awww i miss you facebook.
nobody knows,
fatinah farhana abbas
Thursday, May 6, 2010
come on come on,

hye peeps, now is only 10.40pm and im sleepy :l what happened to the old me who cant sleep before 12? haha, its a good thing really. im struggling with everythinggg right now. my folio'S. urgh, geography,history and sivik. and sivik's powerpoint some more. im not the type of girl who can multi-task like my two sisters. heh, i am completely different from them. waaaayyyy different. they are like , i can do this and that, but as for me, i can do that buttt i cant do that. dont get me ? its okay, i dont know what im talking about either. oh , as you know that i cant online my mys and facebook acc until june, i just blog and started reading my tons and tons of emails that my mum had sent for these past few months or years, haha. the reason that im updating my blog is because, my teacher told me that, blogging in a way might help you to improve your english. IFF you write it with english. oh i almost forgot about my exam. im having this kinda big exam on this 31st may. i really hope that i could score good grades for this exam. mama bought me a pile of form 3's working books and expected me to finish it before pmr, insyaAllah i'll finish it okay mama :) i guess that is all for now, i'll write to u soon (:
fatinah farhana abbas
Thursday, April 29, 2010
you are the thunder
ohoooi blogger :) tomorrow, im going camping at gombak. and im veryy excited. because im going with my dear dear friends. i just cant wait to sleep and gossip all night long with them. we always do that, but not all night long kan? usually we talk at school and then that's it. but tomorrow we gonna sleep together and stuffs :D i know it sounds stupid for me to be excited for this camp. its just that, i only have been to 1 camp before this. so this would be the 2nd camp. haha, anyway i havent finish packing, so i gotta offline now. byee :)
fatinah farhana abbas
fatinah farhana abbas
Monday, April 26, 2010
you will never know :l
hey there, today , a boy named aminul rashid amzah has died. he was a niners and was been shot by a cop. but i have no rights to say anything here, because i dont even know him. just that i heard a lot of people was talking about him today. al-fatihah to you and may you be placed with good peoples. i know that all people out there are not satisfied with the decision that the cops has made. but just so you know im on his side. i mean, you cant shoot anyone without knowing that the boy is guilty or not. okay, lets change the topic here. oh oh, insyaAllah, im going to kem bina insan this weekends. hopefully it would be thee greatest camp yet. and today during essambly, our class and 3D's class was chosen for "dancing 1 malaysia' thingy. i dont know what it is, but im gonna find out tomorrow. haha cant wait :D
yang lawa,
fatinah farhana abbas hahahahaha
yang lawa,
fatinah farhana abbas hahahahaha
Sunday, April 25, 2010
haha im pretty obsessed with hum saath saath hain at this very moment. i load it at youtube but it turned out that it dont have any subtitles at all. i miss watching hindustan, hehe :D okay, i got school yesterday but i didnt go. because im too lazy and i went to the library with sya and fatin. we are trying to finish our geography's folio that should be pass up on 5th of may. school has been fun this whole week and pretty HOT too -.- elida has been absent for two days due to fever. so the three of us go to recess together without elida and rysmalia :( actually i dont have anything to talk about here, but i lovee blogging. oh so, mira is going to perak today for something. dont know why, so i might gonna ask sya to give me a lift to go to the tuition today. aaaaaa, it has been 6 days since i mys-ing and facebook-ing. i miss them already. nevermindd, study comes first.
write to u soon,
fatinah farhana abbas
write to u soon,
fatinah farhana abbas
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
in my head
tooodaaaaay, was a very hot day. im sweating like pig, seriously. while pn.sahariah's lesson which is BM, we got ourselves a little story telling about her past life. we drag all the time with stories and we didnt finish our literature's exercise :D it was soo sad when we first listen to the teacher's past life. mann, being in the oldies is wayy to hard for me to handle. i dont know whether i can continue living with no water and no electricity in the house. they dont even have any bathrooms in their house, but they have this small bathroom outside which they shared it with other families too. and they have to go to the well to get some water. the most saddest thing is, her mother died due to breast cancer and a few months after she gave birth to her 5th or 4rth child. her mother always wanted our teacher to be a teacher someday. and noww, its like our teacher had gave what her mother always wanted. i wish i could do the same, before one of my family died. i'll make em' proud while they are still here and until they're gone too. okayyy, after school, as usual we got additional class until 1.50pm. after that, i should be heading to sya's house, but instead, i stayed-back at fatin's house. we was supposed to have this story telling about 'someone' but end up youtube-ing. we got ourselves a veryy funny video and laugh our heads off. and hey, we didnt watch any porno okayy. after that, we got math's tuition at pn.alimah's. i went home safely and revise some form 1 and form 2's history. and noww, im sitting here blogging and blabs abut what had happened to me today. and now this is me saying bye bye :)
one and only,
fatinah farhana abbas :)
one and only,
fatinah farhana abbas :)
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
we used to be a team
olla blogger , the reason that im here is becauseee, mira changed my myspace and facebook's password. meaning, i cant online any of my account until june, which is until the end of 'exam setara'. from now on, im gonna keep my blog aliveee. haha sebab i pretty much has nothing to do. anyway, i got history test at the tuition todayy and im pretty nervous. and oh, forgot to tell u guys how my sports day went. it went super greattt, except for the veryyy hot sun -.- man, i looked like a nigga, HAHA. i got gold medal for my 100m and got silver for my 4x100m. saga landed in second place for the overall marks :) woohoo. and as for perdana, for the seventh year, they are still in the last place. hahahahahahha, okay jahat :P that's all for today, im gonna update more soon.
fatinah farhana abbas :D
fatinah farhana abbas :D
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
SAINS : 76%
how am i supposed to get a straight A's with these marks? i got 3A's 4B's and a C -.-
im hoping to get a better score on my mid term exam,insyaALLAH. so wish me lots and lots of lucks :)
SAINS : 76%
how am i supposed to get a straight A's with these marks? i got 3A's 4B's and a C -.-
im hoping to get a better score on my mid term exam,insyaALLAH. so wish me lots and lots of lucks :)
what a day
phewww, every tuesday was always been theee tiring day ever. i got school in the morning like everyone else and heee, i came late today and missed the essambly. hooorayy, that means i dont have to hear the teacher blabs about anything. and then i got additional class and finished at 1.50pm. then i got 1hour to eat lunch. after that, i got 'saringan' at school for 100m. later on 5.30pm, sya fetch me up to tuition at pn.alimah's which finished at 7pm. then i got 1 hour until my history tuition at dani dana's. mann, im freaking tired but now im on my myspace and facebook and bloggie :D niceee, but its okay, i dont have any homework at all :D and yeahh, during pn.sahariah's lesson, i went to the toilet without asking for her permission. but not only me, there was boys and girls too -.- and we have to sing jalur gemilang's song in front of the class. heh -.- and got my foot hurt during the tracks :'( i'll write to u soon
till then,
teena abbas
till then,
teena abbas
Monday, March 22, 2010
mama miaaa, i have never studied like this before. trust me, nothing like this has happened to me. all i can think of is all about studies -.- it should be a good thing rite, hope so. i dont even have time to joke around anymore like i used to. and even rite now, im studying while posting this blog -.- i got a lot of homework that needs to be done ASAP. i play too much on my form 1 and form two's. so i gotta brushed up everything now. heh, now im regret for playing around for these past couple of years. and mann, geography was harddd -.- and ohh, i havent got all of my marks yet. i'll post it if i ahve it all, hihi. and ohh, i miss my cousin, nurul amalina ahmad already :'( i'll write soon :)
teena abbas :)
teena abbas :)
Monday, March 8, 2010
aaaaaaa , today was injection dayyy :O its not that painful butt after that, my hand starts cramping -.- and its still cramping till now. today i got my english and sivik paper. i'll tell you my results for overall alrite? but not now. heh, today was hott, freaking hot. im sweating like a pig. and today i started my tuition class at dani dana back. met eddy, alisya and farah there. awww i miss u guys very much. the class seems to be veryyy different from the class that i went for last year. heh, andd adam darulsalam was in that class too, which is my classmates in ssaas. blurgh, im not satisfied with my english marks -.- but nevermind, i'll post all the results after i got all of my marks kay? :) hee, byee
teena abbas
teena abbas
Sunday, February 28, 2010
hey ho, i dont really have anything to say here. but i dont wanna leave my blog like this. like with no post. okay so, tomorrow im sitting for my 1st exam of the yearr. wish me lots and lots of luck. i have Bahasa Melayu , PSV anddd geography. mannn , i sucks at geo =.= but im trying my best :) byeee :*
teena abbas
teena abbas
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
HEHEHEHEHEHEHHE , i know what u guys been thinking. why the hell is my blog is not been updated. first off all, i wanna say sorry for the hundredth times. it's not that i dont have time to update my blog. buttt, im too lazy to update. okay okay. lemme tell u the whole story in advance alrite.
im in C class now. yeayy or nayy? well its pretty fun, buttt i miss my old classmates badly :'( this year has been pretty tough for the first few months. which is now? well the teachers are all strict. bcs its the only way we're gonna start studying ritee? i have been a good student for these past couple months :D i have done my homeworks in time. and never got a demerit so far. great yeah? but i dont know whether it'll last longer. HEHE, bcs the homework are damn too many -.- but im gonna live with it. so yeah, 3C is the loudest class i guess. well just look at the students, they are all like monkeys, including me hehe.but i loveee them <3>
the 1st of february was nissa's birthday,
so happy birthday nissa :D
so, move on. on the 10th of february was MY BIRTHDAY :D and i just had the greatest birthday everrr. my family,cousins and friends was being such a darlingg. and im really touched, because u guys remembered my birthday. awww, thnks u guys. and for the presents too. i dont care about the presents. a birthday wish is enough :')
okay, i just lost my good friend, siti fatimah bt annuar :'( last sunday due to dengue. i'll always remember u and always always pray for you. hope u'll be placed with the good peoples. amin. okay that's all. i wont promise anything, but i'll update my blog IFFF i have a story to tell. hehe
fatinah farhana abbas
im in C class now. yeayy or nayy? well its pretty fun, buttt i miss my old classmates badly :'( this year has been pretty tough for the first few months. which is now? well the teachers are all strict. bcs its the only way we're gonna start studying ritee? i have been a good student for these past couple months :D i have done my homeworks in time. and never got a demerit so far. great yeah? but i dont know whether it'll last longer. HEHE, bcs the homework are damn too many -.- but im gonna live with it. so yeah, 3C is the loudest class i guess. well just look at the students, they are all like monkeys, including me hehe.but i loveee them <3>

so happy birthday nissa :D
so, move on. on the 10th of february was MY BIRTHDAY :D and i just had the greatest birthday everrr. my family,cousins and friends was being such a darlingg. and im really touched, because u guys remembered my birthday. awww, thnks u guys. and for the presents too. i dont care about the presents. a birthday wish is enough :')
okay, i just lost my good friend, siti fatimah bt annuar :'( last sunday due to dengue. i'll always remember u and always always pray for you. hope u'll be placed with the good peoples. amin. okay that's all. i wont promise anything, but i'll update my blog IFFF i have a story to tell. hehe
fatinah farhana abbas
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