Friday, November 25, 2011

hey monkeyy

assalamualaikum, well this is not too long before my last post. well done, fatinah :p soooo, what should i tell you today? well to be honest, im thinking of deleting this blog under some circumstances, but after i opened it and read all my previous post makes me feel ' nooooo u cannot delete this, u have tons of memories in here that u shared with everybody'. haihh, defenseless me, i always have the thought of deleting it but when i opened it, i got all weak -.-

nevermind, i guess i can delete this blog later. after i've had enough of it. so yeahhh, today is 26th of novemberrrr. in one month time, i'll be in form 5's. 'yeayyyyyyy' i am not ready, AT ALL. like can u even believe it, i remembered when it was my first day of school in form 1. now im going to be a fiver in one month? how did the time fly so fast? i had always hate to say this but mannn im old. i have always been the girl who said to other people ' haha you are oldddd, and i am younggg ~' *sigh. growing up is a huge deal for me. i mean, i'll be sitting for SPM exam next year. and after that im going college and all woa woa woa, slow down please? just thinking about how many subjects that i have to cover makes me sick. and my final exam's result is baddddd im telling you. me myself is kinda dissapointed with my results but heyyy cant anyone give me support after my hardwork of studying? i didnt sleep, i didnt watch the tv, i even did all my chores when im in the middle of the exam. no one bothers right? sheesh, i just need somebody to support me everytime, not only when i succeed, but when i failed too y'know? sokayy, i will push my limit to the extant for the SPM exam. that's all for noww, i cant sleep and it's 1am in the morning. and ohhh have i told u that today is kaklong ija's pre wedding? yes it is, and i need to sleep or im in trouble the next morning. so goodnight people xoxo

fatinah farhana

Thursday, August 18, 2011

long time no see braderrr

ahhha, this is getting kinda awkward ....
hello bloggie! soo soory for not posting since, um the new year? ahahhhahha this year was tough and i aint got no time for you. pretty harsh but heyy, we're talking about the reality aye? so lemme tell u guyss briefly about the year 2011 for the past 7 months.

as u all know that i've transferred to section 9 and all, im in 4 ik 1 class. which is in the art's stream but i have no arts subject. which makes me kinda confused on what stream im taking btw. just to be clear, i dont have any art class but i do have accounts,economy and add maths for my extra subjects. moving onnn, i've turned into a geek since i started schooling there. dont get me wrong, i kinda like being a geek. because in section 9, trust meee u dont want to be in the bottom in yr studies. ohh nonononono its embarrassing! can u imagine, even the boys are studying while recess time? are u freaking kidding me?! you are a freaking dudeee, you are not supposed to be all diligent! yr'e supposed to be wild and have funn. that's a girl thing to do, to study all the time, which i am nott -.- sometimes i think that im not a girl, completely. *sighs seeing how the students study their asses off makes me feels like i have to be one of them too. u know what they said, be the best among the best! and the exams aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh 3 weeks for mid terms? okay boleh gila nak buat revision -.- i cant handle too much stress for too long mann. eergh, nnt final exams pun 3 longgg weeks, which is on the 3rd of october! fast forward to august! fasting month! hehhehehe i cant for for raya actually. so im gonna sop right here. righttttt here. i'll post another one if i want to. HAHA kay nighttt !

tak sabar raya,
teena abbas

Saturday, January 1, 2011

oh snappp

HAAAAPPPPYYY NEW YEARR EVERYBODY ! its 2011 already? and dmmit im 16 already ! im gettin' old :O anywhoo im wishing u guys the best luck ever for 2011, may it bring u joy and happiness in any ways!

and oh, the rumours about me moving to section 9 was sooo feriking trueee ! just so u guys know, im not that heartless to go there without a proper goodbye or a proper goodbye HUGS ! hahaha i'll be seeing u guys this monday before leaving to section9. and want u guys to know that if i dont have to move, then i wont ! and sooo tkda kena mgena yeah i nak pindah because of popularity ! if i want popularity in the first place, the thought of transferring to ssaas tu mmg tkde dah. will miss u guys sgt, been there for two wonderful years and its time to go. its time to grow up everybody ! haha being 16 is the hardest thing to do. have to make biggg decision all by yr own. but its soccay, as long as im still here in shah alam then i still can meet up with u guys on the weekend or the holidays kannnn (: dont want to make this post sooo emotional so im gonna stop here, righttttt here.

so on, kaklong ija just got engaged toodaay ! congratulations ! that is all, so happy new year u guys, may it be theee bestest year yet <3